Friday, February 12, 2010

love's valentine for me ...

card # 1

cards 1 & 2

card #1's cover said:
"Love means...
<3 communicating without even saying a word
<3 saying you're sorry when you truly are
<3 overlooking each other's imperfections
<3 cheering each other's victories
<3 holding on tight when things get tough
<3 making fun, even when you can't find any
<3 helping each other when you need it most
<3 sharing space, secrets and silly jokes"

inside says:
"Love means
someone special
in your life...
someone to care for,
someone to count on,
someone to call
I love you, Valentine"

in his chicken scratch of a handwritting *lolz*:

card #2's envelope

card #2

I <3 U


See, it's little things like these two cards that melt my heart.  I don't need anything big.  I don't need anything elaborate.  These two cards and that AMAZING weekend with him was all I needed.  -=0]
Yes, it would be nice if we were physically together ON Valentine's Day but we did our celebrations early.  There WAS talk of spending this long weekend of mine in Albany but his funds is running low and he's got other trips already lined up he needs to save his money for.  I can't fight him about that because those trips were planned before me.  It's ok I guess, but it still would have been nice.  We never really had a Valentine where we were physically together on the day of it.  

The last Valentine I remember of him, we weren't even together.  He was actually with someone else at the time.  I was strung up on him still though.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was still working at the WIC office and I was getting highly depressed watching deliveries of flowers and candies arrive for my coworkers from their husbands/boyfriends/partners.  It got to the point where I was the only one that didn't get any type of delivery.  I got to talking with some of my co-workers and I mentioned Almerce to them.  One of them asked me, "Is he 'the one' that got away??" and I said "Yes."  After I said that, I got even more sad and depressed.  Then out of nowhere, he called me!!  I was utterly surprised!!  I didn't think he would.  So I went into the next room to take his call.  He said he just wanted to give me a ring and greet me a Happy Valentine's day and to see if I was ok.  I fronted like I was fine but I appreciated the call.  When we hung up --- I cried!!  Right then and there at my job, like a freaking baby!!  *lolz*  One of my co-workers walked in and saw me but didn't know what to do so she walked right back out.  *haha*  I must have been a sight!!  But I couldn't help it.  I was actually happy that even though he had a new girlfriend, I still crossed his mind on a day like that.  I was happy because I totally wasn't expecting a call at all from him.  And of course it turned into sadness because he wasn't mine.  Ironically, that same day was the last time I had heard from him.

But look at us now .....

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