Sunday, January 31, 2010

time to update ..

It's been a minute since I last blogged in here. I've actually been blogging in my xanga alot lately. Still considering whether or not I should move here totally. I don't know yet because xanga holds ALOT of memories for me. We'll see ...

So yeah here's the recap:
1. It's 2010 now.
2. 2009 was a SHIT year for me.
3. Chrisanne and I broke up in November.
4. Almerce and I have been rekindling something special.
5. I'm happy for the most part but my memories of the past 5 years still haunt me.

I'll blog more in detail of each one as the week goes on.

1 comment:

ABOUT mykel : said...

Uh yeah . U forgot to mention one thing, one very special thing . Ugh ! Rude !